Friday, April 29, 2011

SEC Proposes Product Definitions for Swaps

The Securities and Exchange Commission on April 27th voted unanimously to propose rules further defining the terms “swap,” “security-based swap,” and “security-based swap agreement.”

The rules were proposed jointly with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)
The joint proposal of the SEC and the CFTC would add rules under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and provide interpretive guidance regarding which products would – and would not – be considered a “swap” or a “security-based swap” (referred to collectively in the proposing release as “Title VII instruments”).

Transactions considered “Swaps” or Security-Based Swaps”

Foreign exchange forwards, foreign exchange swaps, foreign currency options (other than foreign currency options traded on a national securities exchange), non-deliverable forward contracts involving foreign exchange, currency and cross-currency swaps, forward rate agreements, contracts for differences, and certain combinations and permutations of (or options on) swaps and security-based swaps.

In its proposed interpretive guidance, the SEC would clarify whether particular agreements, contracts or transactions are swaps, security-based swaps, or mixed swaps. Among other things, the proposed guidance would provide that such a determination is to be made at the inception of the Title VII instrument and that such a characterization would remain throughout the life of the instrument unless the instrument is amended or modified.

Interest Rates, Other Monetary Rates and Yields: Under the proposed interpretive guidance, Title VII instruments on interest rates and other monetary rates would be swaps. And, Title VII instruments on “yields” – where “yield” is a proxy for the price or value of a debt security, loan, or narrow-based security index – would be security-based swaps, except in the case of certain exempted securities.
Total Return Swaps: Under the proposed interpretive guidance, a Total Return Swap, or TRS, on a single security, loan, or narrow-based security index generally would be a security-based swap. Where counterparties embed interest-rate optionality or a non-securities component into the TRS (e.g., the price of oil, a currency hedge), it would be a mixed swap.

Title VII Instruments Based on Futures: Under the proposed interpretive guidance, Title VII instruments on futures (other than futures on foreign government debt securities) would generally be swaps and Title VII instruments on security futures would generally be security-based swaps. 

Swaps and Security-Based Swaps Based on Security Indexes

The SEC proposed rules and interpretive guidance regarding the applicability of the “narrow-based security index” definition to certain products, including proposed rules regarding the definition of “narrow-based security index” and “issuers of securities in a narrow-based security index” for index credit default swaps (index CDS).
The SEC also proposed rules and interpretive guidance regarding the definition of a security index and the evaluation of Title VII instruments based on security indexes that migrate from broad-based to narrow-based and vice versa.

If a broad-based index CDS requires mandatory physical settlement, it would be a mixed swap.
If a broad-based index CDS requires cash settlement or auction settlement, it would be a swap, and would not be considered a security-based swap or a mixed swap solely because the determination of the cash price to be paid is established through a security or loan auction.

Mixed Swaps

The SEC proposed interpretive guidance regarding the scope of the mixed swap category, which both the SEC and CFTC believe to be narrow. 

The SEC also proposed rules and interpretive guidance that mixed swaps would remain subject to the entirety of the SEC and CFTC regulatory regimes, but that for bilateral uncleared mixed swaps entered into by at least one dually-regulated swap and security-based swap dealer or major swap and security-based swap participant, certain regulatory requirements would apply.
In addition, the SEC proposed a rule establishing a process, for all other mixed swaps, by which persons may request modified regulatory treatment by joint order of the SEC and CFTC.

Security-Based Swap Agreements

The SEC proposed interpretative guidance regarding certain products that are security-based swap agreements (SBSA). It also proposed a rule requiring market participants to maintain the same books and records for security-based swap agreements as they would under the CFTC’s proposed books and records requirements for swaps.

Interpretation of the Characterization of a Product
The SEC proposed a rule establishing a process that would allow market participants or either the SEC or CFTC to request a determination from the SEC and CFTC of whether a product is a swap, security-based swap, or both (i.e., a mixed swap).

What’s Next?
The proposal seeks public comment and data on a broad range of issues relating to the proposed rules and interpretive guidance, including the costs and benefits associated with the proposal. After careful review of comments, the SEC and the CFTC will consider whether to adopt the proposed rules and interpretive guidance or modify them. Comments should be received on or before 60 days after the date of publication in the Federal Register.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Deputy secretary Wolin KNOCKS them down! You gotta LOVE it

On April 19, 2011, Deputy Secretary Neal S. Wolin  delivered a prepared statement to address the critics of the  Dodd-Frank Act.  The comments were so hard hitting I dare not change the tenor of what Mr. Wolin so aptly conveyed.  It is rather long but worth the read.  Here is a guy who is tired of hearing rhetoric and tired of individuals having a short memory.  10 and out Mr. Wolin. 

Speaking about the fiscal crisis of 2008, “There was no alternative to reform.  Not only our economy but also the lives and livelihoods of tens of millions of American families were devastated by the crisis.  And it was manifestly clear that the financial system that led us to the edge of the abyss was broken and needed to be fixed.   

The system we had favored short-term gains for individual firms over the stability and growth of the economy as a whole.  The system we had was weak and susceptible to crisis.  And the system we had left taxpayers to save it in times of trouble. 

The Dodd-Frank Act creates a comprehensive and robust regulatory framework.  The statute creates a structure for the government to monitor and respond to systemic risk.  It makes clear that no firm will be considered “too big to fail.”  It requires regulators to impose heightened prudential standards on large, interconnected financial firms.  It provides for the comprehensive regulation of the derivatives markets for the first time.  And the statute establishes a single agency dedicated to protecting consumers. 

For the past nine months, regulators have been hard at work implementing these and many other critical reforms contained in Dodd-Frank. 

Yet today, even as millions of Americans are still recovering from the crisis, some on Wall Street, K Street, and Capitol Hill seek to slow down, roll back, or even repeal these crucial reforms. 

I want to address these criticisms one by one. 

First, the pace of reform. 

After the Dodd-Frank Act was signed into law last summer, many in Washington and in the financial services industry said that the legislation lacked details, and that the uncertainty of the shape of final regulations made it difficult for businesses to plan for the future.  They called for clarity, and they wanted it fast. 

We said that regulators would move quickly but carefully to implement the legislation.  We said that we would seek public input.  We said it’s critical to get the details right. 

Recently, some of these very same critics – those who previously demanded clarity as quickly as possible – are saying that we’re moving too quickly.  They now suggest that too many details are coming too fast.  They say that regulators aren’t setting aside sufficient time to study the issues and make the right decisions, and that businesses won’t have time to adjust to the new regulations. 

Although there may be reasonable debate about the substance of Dodd-Frank implementation work, there is no question that regulators have been implementing the statute in a careful, considered, and serious manner. 

The second criticism is that implementation of the law is uncoordinated. 

Our financial regulatory system is built on the independence of regulators, and given the importance of Dodd-Frank implementation, independent regulators will have different views on complicated issues – working through differences is an important part of getting the substance right.

At the same time, Dodd-Frank forces regulators, more than ever before, to work together to close gaps in regulation and to prevent breakdowns in coordination – this is a central change brought about by the law.  Beyond joint rules and consultation required on specific rulemakings, we have been and will continue working together where issues cut across multiple agencies, to make the pieces of reform fit together in a sensible, coherent way. 

The Financial Stability Oversight Council, which is a key component of Dodd-Frank, has a mandate to coordinate across agencies and instill joint accountability for the strength of the financial system.  Already, we have worked through the FSOC to develop an integrated roadmap for implementation, to coordinate an unprecedented six-agency proposal on risk retention, and to develop unanimous support for recommendations on implementing the Volcker Rule.  As Chair of the FSOC, Treasury will continue to make it a top priority that the work of the regulators is well-coordinated. 

Third, critics claim that reforms to the derivatives markets will harm liquidity and inhibit effective allocation of capital.   

Regulation of the over–the-counter derivatives markets is a critical element of the Dodd-Frank Act.  The financial crisis demonstrated that without adequate transparency and capital reserves, derivatives can allow hidden risks to build and leave counterparties without sufficient buffers to sustain losses.

The critics argue that requiring standardized contracts to be traded on open, transparent markets will harm liquidity.  This position ignores the history and the basic structure of our financial system.  The equities market, where stocks are traded publicly and price information is readily available, is one of the most liquid markets in the world – because of, not in spite of, transparency. 

Increased transparency in the derivatives markets will tighten spreads, reduce costs, and increase understanding of risks for market participants.  Now, a transparent structure like this might not improve the bottom line of certain market participants – but it promotes efficient markets, capital formation, and growth in the broader economy, while reducing the risk and potential costs of another destabilizing financial crisis. 

Critics also say that margin requirements for derivatives tie up capital unnecessarily, diverting it away from investments that promote economic growth. 

Requiring the largest participants and dealers in derivatives markets to hold capital and margin is critical to improving the resilience of the financial system. The margin requirements for financial entities are, then – like derivatives themselves – a “risk-management tool,” serving as important bulwark against losses infecting the system and contributing to another crisis.

Fourth, critics say that unless we achieve harmonized policies across borders, we should hold off or go slow on moving forward with Dodd-Frank, lest there be an unlevel playing field internationally.  They also argue that if our reforms are too strong or different, U.S. firms will not be able to compete on a global scale.

I disagree.  We have already enacted comprehensive legislation, and others are now putting their legal and regulatory frameworks in place.  We are working hard at the international level to make sure that others put in place similar frameworks on the key issues where international consistency is essential – such as OTC derivatives, liquidity, leverage, and capital. 

Now, it’s true that the devil lies in the details, and that when different jurisdictions implement commonly-agreed-to international principles, problems and disagreements may arise.  That is why in addition to our work in international fora like the G-20 and the Financial Stability Board, we work every day with our foreign counterparts, especially in Europe, through our financial market and regulatory dialogue.

But as we work in the international sphere to promote a level playing field, we must not fail to implement our reforms at home.  Ultimately, if we fail to do what is necessary to reform and protect our system, we put at risk its fundamental strength and resilience.  

Critics don’t want to hear any of this.  They simply say if our financial system is different from our partners, U.S. firms won’t be able to compete.  It’s not a credible argument, because our systems have never been identical, and they never will be. 

A great deal of their criticism is focused on enhanced capital requirements. 

More and higher-quality capital, especially at the biggest and most interconnected financial institutions, is essential to providing better buffers against shock.  Indeed, as the international community has recognized, the lack of such buffers was a core problem in the crisis we’ve just experienced.  Implementation of Dodd-Frank and the work of the Basel Committee are critical to ensuring that firms are better insulated from stress. 

We believe, of course, that it’s important to strike the right balance.  We need a capital regime that strengthens firms so that they can withstand stress, but also one that allows U.S. firms to compete effectively on a global basis. 

Detailed rules about capital requirements and other aspects of financial regulation will always vary among sovereign nations.  What’s important, what we have made good progress on – and what we are committed to – is closing regulatory gaps, ending opportunities for geographic arbitrage, and preventing a global race to the bottom. 

Fifth, critics suggest that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau will stifle consumer choice and innovation, or interfere with the role of existing regulators.  And they also claim that the agency isn’t accountable. 

Rather than limiting choice, the CFPB will be essential to creating real choice for consumers.  The system we had before allowed lenders to hide the true costs of financial products in hidden fees and interest rate changes.  Consumers often didn’t get the information they needed to understand the loan they were taking out or the credit card agreement they were signing.  That’s not choice.

Real choice is about having the information to make the right decisions.  The CFPB’s job is to deter deceptive and abusive practices, promote clear disclosure, and help consumers get the information they need.  With that information, consumers will have real choice – they will be able to understand what products and services are best for them and to make fully informed financial decisions. 

And as consumers begin to make more informed financial decisions, it will raise the bar for the products and services offered to them.  More empowered consumers will motivate the financial sector to offer new and better options.  Rather than stifling innovation, the CFPB will catalyze it.   

I want to emphasize that the CFPB’s mission – helping consumers get good information and cracking down on deceptive and abusive practices – in no way interferes with the role of prudential regulators.  What we had before – a patchwork system where too many agencies were responsible for consumer protection, but none of them actually focused on it – that system simply didn’t work. 

The existence of the CFPB allows prudential regulators to focus on their core tasks – making sure that banks have the capital, the liquidity, and the risk-management tools to ensure safety and soundness in the system.  It allows the CFPB to focus on its own single task – to make sure that consumer financial products are offered in a fair, transparent, and competitive way. 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Public Appearances by SEC Officials

When:   Wednesday, April 27 (12:30-1:45 p.m.)
Who:   Carlo di Florio
Director - Office of Compliance, Inspections and Examinations
What:   Cross-Border Issues Facing Investment Advisers After Dodd-Frank
Where:   DC Bar, DC Bar Office, Washington, D.C.
Contact:   Robin Bergen
            (202) 974-1514 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            (202) 974-1514      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

When:   Thursday, April 28 (12:30-1:45)
Who:   Eileen Rominger
Director, Division of Investment Management
What:   Mutual Fund Directors Forum, 2011 Policy Conference
Where:   Washington, D.C.
Contact:   Susan Ferris Wyderko, Executive Director, MFDF
            (202) 507-4488 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            (202) 507-4488      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

When:   Friday, April 29 (10:45-12 p.m.)
Who:   Merri Jo Gillette
Regional Director, Chicago Regional Office
What:   Northwestern University School of Law
Practical Advice for Responding to Enforcement Initiatives
Where:   Chicago, Illinois
Contact:   Juliann Cecchi
            (312) 503-0192 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            (312) 503-0192      end_of_the_skype_highlighting      

When:   Friday, April 29
Who:   George Canellos
Director, New York Regional Office
(9:15-10:45 a.m.)
Robert Khuzami
Director, Division of Enforcement
(11:00 a.m.)
Carlo di Florio
Director - Office of Compliance, Inspections and Examinations
(4-5 p.m.)
Where:   Practising Law Institute, PLI Conference Center, New York, New York
Contact:   Laura Shields
            (212) 824-5797 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            (212) 824-5797      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

SEC Seeks Public Comment on Effective Investor Education Programs

On April 19, 2011 the Securities and Exchange Commission published a request for public comment (see link attached on the effectiveness of existing investor education efforts as part of a review mandated by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

The Commission is seeking public comment to better understand the details and effectiveness of current programs, and help ensure that the study includes all relevant programs. “We want to know more about what’s out there and what’s working in the world of investor education,” said Lori J. Schock, Director of the SEC’s Office of Investor Education and Advocacy.

As part of its investor education effort, the SEC recently upgraded its website devoted exclusively to investor education. The site has been redesigned and expanded with more information about a variety of topics including how to research investments and investment professionals, understand fees, and prepare for life events.

Obviously the SEC wants the investors to be more sophisticated. This process is not so much for hedge fund investors, which are by definition sophisticated, but for the retail investor.  However, it will be interesting to see what the comments are and ultimately what if any pressure the SEC levy’s on the hedge fund industry regarding education.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

SEC Form ADV starts to open the kimono of Hedge Fund practices

Want to know more about registered investment advisers?  

You will obtain a plethora of information on registered investment adviser firms on the SEC web site,  This website will have the firm’s Form ADV for those Firms registered with the SEC.  Form ADV contains information about an investment adviser and its business operations.  See below for a list of what is included in Form ADV.

The Web site will also allow you to search for an individual investment adviser representative (RIA) and view that individual's professional background and conduct including current registrations, employment history, and disclosures about certain disciplinary events involving the individual.

Part 1A  This form is filed by all member firms.  The form asks many yes or no questions but it also includes some interesting aspects of the member Firm's makeup.  See below for areas in part 1A
  •           Identifying Information
  •          SEC Registration 
  •          Form Of Organization
  •         Successions 
  •         Information About Your Advisory Business 
  •        Other Business Activities 
  •        Financial Industry Affiliations 
  •         Participation or Interest in Client Transactions 
  •        Custody 
  •        Control Persons 
  •        Disclosure Information 
  •        Small Businesses 

Part 2 Disclosures.  Here are the typical disclosures a firm will make.  This is not an exhaustive listing.

  • Material Changes
  • Advisory Business
  • Fees and Compensation
  • Performance-Based Fees and Side-By-Side Management
  • Types of Clients
  • Method of Analysis, Investment Strategies and Risk of
  • Disciplinary Information Item
  • Other Financial Industry Activities and affiliates
  • Code of Ethics, Participation or Interest in Client Transactions and Personal
  • Trading
  • Brokerage Practices
  • Review of Accounts
  • Client Referrals and Other Compensation
  • Custody Investment
  • Discretion Voting
  • Client Securities
  • Financial Information
  • Management Persons
  • Soft Dollar Vendors
  • Advisory Business

Given the industry history of opaque practices and closely guarding as much information as possible, it is no wonder that 1/3 of the hedge funds over $1 billion have yet to register.  Maybe it will all go away????NOT

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Part 4 of the SEC is getting Serious

Valuation Committees

At the 100 women in hedge fund conference a question was posed; “What are the Areas that the SEC will focus on during an examination?”  The answer highlighted that since the financial crisis the member firm’s “valuation process and results” is an area of importance.

The SEC indicated that since the valuation of assets has a direct relationship to the performance that the member firm reports to its investors and to regulators and the fees it collects, the SEC will review the process that is in place at the member firm.  The SEC would like to see the member firm employ a formalized valuation process with a documented rational of pricing of its illiquid and/or hard to price securities. 

Though side pocket pricing might be less of an issue because they are usually held at cost until an event occurs or at realization, the SEC will be reviewing the pricing process to ensure that an other than temporary impairment is considered during the pricing cycle.    

The SEC will “take a lot of stock in good faith valuation procedures”. In my opinion this means the member firms should have a written policy for pricing each of its investment types, have an independent committee to compliment the business pricing and documentation/minutes of the valuation results. 

The SEC will also ensure that what is stated in the valuation policy  manual and at the valuation committee meetings are in fact actually occurring. The SEC stated that “Misrepresentations in valuation policies and procedures…will be taken very seriously”.