Saturday, October 29, 2011


The SEC finally woke up after a 3 month coma, so I’m back.  As you all probably know, on October 26, 2011, the SEC approved the form PF, changed the rules on the frequency of filing and delayed the filing requirements for certain hedge funds and private equity firms. 

In no way does the change or delay in filing Form PF effect the registration deadline.  The deadline for registering with the SEC or states is still set at March 31, 2012.

Private fund advisers will be divided by size into two broad groups – large advisers and smaller advisers. The amount of information reported and the frequency of reporting depends on the group to which the adviser belongs.

The data collection form that we have adopted will address the dramatic lack of private fund information available to regulators today while easing the burden on private fund managers producing the data,” said SEC Chairman Mary L. Schapiro.

“Large private fund advisers” are:
  • Advisers with at least $1.5 billion in assets under management attributable to hedge funds.
  • Liquidity fund advisers with at least $1 billion in combined assets under management attributable to liquidity funds and registered money market funds.
  • Advisers with at least $2 billion in assets under management attributable to private equity funds. All other respondents are considered smaller private fund advisers.
Smaller private fund advisers must file Form PF only once a year within 120 days of the end of the fiscal year, and report only basic information regarding the private funds they advise. This includes limited information regarding size, leverage, investor types and concentration, liquidity, and fund performance.

Large hedge fund advisers must file Form PF to update information regarding the hedge funds they manage within 60 days of the end of each fiscal quarter (instead of 15 days in the rule proposal). These advisers must report on an aggregated basis information regarding exposures by asset class, geographical concentration, and turnover by asset class. In addition, for each managed hedge fund having a net asset value of at least $500 million, these advisers are required to report certain information relating to that fund’s exposures, leverage, risk profile, and liquidity. Large hedge fund advisers are not required to report position-level information.
Large private equity fund advisers must file Form PF annually within 120 days of the end of the fiscal year. They must respond to questions focusing primarily on the extent of leverage incurred by their funds’ portfolio companies, the use of bridge financing, and their funds’ investments in financial institutions.
Most private fund advisers will be required to begin filing Form PF following the end of their first fiscal year or fiscal quarter, as applicable, to end on or after December 15, 2012.
However, the following advisers must begin filing Form PF following the end of their first fiscal year or fiscal quarter, as applicable, to end on or after June 15, 2012:
  • Advisers with at least $5 billion in assets under management attributable to hedge funds.
  • Liquidity fund advisers with at least $5 billion in combined assets under management attributable to liquidity funds and registered money market funds.
  • Advisers with at least $5 billion in assets under management attributable to private equity funds.

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